Torchlight Parade Mysore tickets: In 2023, the iconic Mysore Dasara Festival, a tradition since 1610, spans from the 15th to the 24th of October, culminating in the grand Torch Light Parade. Those eager to get the best view can opt for the Gold VIP Card, priced at Rs 6,000. The festival will feature two magnificent parades, and enthusiasts can book their tickets online through the official website, The event’s commencement is set for 9 AM, ensuring a full day of cultural immersion.
Event | Mysore Dasara Torch Light Parade |
Year | 2023 |
City | Mysore |
Event type | Dasara Festival |
Starting date of the event | 15th October 2023 |
The last date of the event | 24th October 2023 |
Gold VIP Card price | Rs 6,000 |
The Festival started on | 1610 |
Total parade | 2 parade |
Ticket booking | Online mode |
Official website | |
Event timing | 9:00 AM |
Ticket price
Ticket price for Mysore Dasara Torch Light Parade starts from Rs. 500 onwards, Purchase tickets from the official website. Check out more details.
Catagories | Ticket price | |
VIP Golden Tickets Price | Rs 6000 | |
The Torchlight Parade Bannimantapa | Rs 500 | |
Dasara 2023 Jamboo Savari | Rs 2000, To Rs 3000 |
Ticket site
Visit the official website to purchase your tickets.
How to purchase ticket online steps
- Visit the Mysore Dasara official website at Alternatively, make an offline visit to the Authorities’ Offices.
- Locate the link for gold card reservation.
- Click on the link to initiate the reservation process for the VIP Gold Card.
- Complete the reservation form with the necessary details.
- Make the payment to secure your Golden VIP Card.
- After payment, ensure you verify your reservation for the Mysore Dasara Event.
1. What is the main event?
The event is the Mysore Dasara Torch Light Parade.
2. When is it happening?
The festival begins on 15th October 2023 and concludes on 24th October 2023.
3. What time does the event start?
The torchlight parade mysore tickets and event commences at 9:00 AM.
4. In which city is the event being held?
The torchlight parade mysore tickets and event takes place in Mysore.
5. What type of event is it?
It’s a part of the grand Dasara Festival.
6. How much is the Gold VIP Card?
The Gold VIP Card is priced at Rs 6,000.