“Kick,” set to captivate audiences on 01 September 2023, is a much-anticipated Tamil film from the Kollywood industry. Directed by the talented Prasanthraj, this action-packed, comedic, and romantic extravaganza stars notable actors like Santhanam, Tanya, Thambi Ramaiah, and a host of other celebrated names. The movie promises a visual treat, thanks to the cinematography of Sudhakar S Raj, while Arjun Janya’s music is bound to keep audiences humming. Edited by Nagooran Ramachandran, the film is rated U/A by the CBFC. With its stellar cast and dynamic genre mix, “Kick” is set to be a blockbuster hit.
Movie Name | Kick |
Release Date | 01 September 2023 |
Director | Prasanthraj |
Language | Tamil |
Starring | Santhanam, Tanya, Thambi Ramaiah, Brahmanandam, Senthil, Kovai Sarala, Mansoor Ali Khan, Manobala, Y.G. Mahendran, Mottai Rajendran. |
Cinematography | Sudhakar S Raj |
Music Director | Arjun Janya |
Editor | Nagooran Ramachandran |
Film Industry | Kollywood |
CBFC | U\A |
Genre | Action, Comedy, Romantic |
Ticket price
Ticket price for Kick (Tamil) Movie Booking starts from Rs. 190 onwards, Purchase tickets from the official website. Check out more details.
Ticket site
Visit the official website to purchase your tickets.
How to purchase ticket online steps
- Visit BookMyShow website or app.
- Search for “Kick” (Tamil).
- Select date, time, and venue.
- Choose seat(s).
- Proceed to checkout.
- Make payment.
- Confirm booking & await e-ticket.
1. What is the name of the movie?
The movie’s name is “Kick.”
2. When is “Kick” releasing?
“Kick” is set to release on 01 September 2023.
3. Who is the director of “Kick”?
The kick movie ticket and movie is directed by Prasanthraj.
4. In which language is the movie made?
“Kick” is a Tamil film.
5. Who are the lead actors in the movie?
The kick movie ticket and movie stars Santhanam, Tanya, Thambi Ramaiah, Brahmanandam, and others.
6. Who is the cinematographer for “Kick”?
The cinematography is handled by Sudhakar S Raj.