A highly anticipated Tamil movie set to release on November 10, 2023, is directed by Raju Murugan and features music composed by the talented G. V. Prakash Kumar. Produced by S. R. Prabhu and under the banner of Dream Warrior Pictures, this Japanese-themed film promises to be a visual and auditory treat for Tamil cinema enthusiasts. With its intriguing storyline and talented cast and crew, this movie is poised to captivate audiences and make waves in the world of Indian cinema.
Movie | Japan | ||
Initial release | 10 November 2023 | ||
Director | Raju Murugan | ||
Language | Tamil | ||
Music by | G. V. Prakash Kumar | ||
Produced by | S. R. Prabhu | ||
Production company | Dream Warrior Pictures |
Ticket price
Ticket price for Japan Tamil movie ticket booking starts from Rs. 200, Purchase tickets from the official website. Check out more details.
Ticket site
Visit the official website to purchase your tickets.
How to purchase ticket online steps
- Visit the BookMyShow website or mobile app.
- Select your location or city in Japan.
- Choose the movie or event you want to attend.
- Pick the showtime and cinema or venue of your preference.
- Select the number of tickets you wish to purchase.
- Choose your seating preferences, if available.
- Log in or create an account.
- Enter your payment details to complete the booking.
- Once the transaction is successful, you’ll receive a confirmation and e-tickets for the event.
1. What is the title of the movie?
The title of the movie is not provided in the information you provided. You may need to provide the title separately.
2. Can you provide more information about the movie’s plot or genre?
Unfortunately, the information you provided doesn’t include details about the movie’s plot or genre. More information would be needed to answer this question.
3. Where will the movie be released in Japan on November 10, 2023?
The release locations and theaters for the movie are not mentioned. You may need to check with local theaters or movie listings for this information closer to the release date.