
Hong Kong Free Flight tickets 2024

Hong Kong free flight tickets: Embark on a journey with the Hello Hong Kong campaign by Hong Kong Airlines, offering an exciting ticket giveaway starting October 17, 2023, at 10 am (HKT). Travelers aged 12 and over can choose from captivating destinations such as Bangkok, Seoul, Nagoya, and more. The booking window spans from October 17, 2023, to March 24, 2024, with trip durations ranging from two to seven days. Participants enjoy a complimentary 20-kilogram checked-in baggage allowance, though costs for taxes, surcharges, and additional fees are to be covered. To secure these free flights, simply visit the campaign website, select preferred dates and destinations, and input personal details. Note that blackout dates apply for each city, so having alternative travel dates in mind is recommended for a seamless booking experience. Don’t miss the chance to elevate your travel experience with this generous offer from Hong Kong Airlines.

CampaignHello Hong Kong
Ticket Giveaway StartOctober 17, 2023, at 10 am (HKT)
DestinationsBangkok, Seoul, Nagoya, Okinawa, Osaka, Tokyo (Narita), Fukuoka, Sapporo, Bali
EligibilityParticipants aged 12 and over
Booking DurationOctober 17, 2023, to March 24, 2024
Trip DurationTwo to seven days
Checked-in BaggageFree 20-kilogram allowance
CostsParticipants cover taxes, surcharges, and other extra charges
Booking MethodVisit campaign website, choose dates and destination, input personal information
NoteBlackout dates for each city; recommended to have alternative travel dates

Ticket price

Ticket price for Hong Kong Free flight tickets, Purchase tickets from the official website. Check out more details.

Ticket site

Visit the official website to purchase your tickets.

How to purchase ticket online steps

  1. isit the campaign website.
  2. Choose your preferred destination and travel dates.
  3. Input your personal information, including name, birth date, and email address.
  4. Confirm eligibility (participants aged 12 and over).
  5. Complete the booking process.
  6. Enjoy your free round-trip ticket with a 20-kilogram baggage allowance!


key details about the MGTO’s free bus service initiative from Hong Kong Airport to Macao

Initiative Details
Start DateJanuary 1, 2024
Service ProviderCollaborating with a bus service provider
Service OfferedComplimentary bus transfer from Hong Kong Airport to Macao for international and Taiwan visitors
Booking ProcessVisit dedicated bus service counter at Hong Kong International Airport, show travel documents and boarding passes, provide details for complimentary bus tickets
Promotion PeriodOngoing during the promotion period
UsageUnlimited use of the free bus transfer
Ticket AvailabilityFirst-come, first-served basis, subject to availability
Information SourceContact the bus service provider for details and inquiries
Promotional CampaignOnline and offline marketing campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Line, and Kakao; Events planned in Macao to attract international visitors
ObjectiveBoost dual-destination tourism, reach a broader spectrum of global travelers, and enhance tourist experiences in Macao under the theme of “tourism plus”


Q1: When does the ticket giveaway start?

A: The hong kong free flight tickets and ticket giveaway starts on October 17, 2023, at 10 am (HKT).

Q2: What destinations are available for the free flight tickets?

A: Participants can choose from destinations including Bangkok, Seoul, Nagoya, Okinawa, Osaka, Tokyo (Narita), Fukuoka, Sapporo, and Bali.

Q3: Who is eligible to participate in the ticket giveaway?

A: Participants aged 12 and over are eligible to win.

Q4: How long is the booking duration?

A: The hong kong free flight tickets and booking duration is from October 17, 2023, to March 24, 2024.

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1 Response

  1. Jan 5, 2024

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